Med Spa Website Development & Marketing Strategy

Med Spa Marketing Strategy

The Challenge​

Trouvaille Med Spa, in anticipation of their new location in Crown Point, IN, sought a dynamic digital solution to complement their physical expansion. Recognizing the need for a swift yet scalable online presence, we embarked on a comprehensive project to construct a website that was not only efficient in its build but also primed for future growth. This endeavor was meticulously timed to align seamlessly with the grand opening of their store. In addition to the foundational website development, we introduced a robust digital marketing strategy, focusing on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising specifically tailored for their Tinley Park location. Our approach was twofold: firstly, to enhance the online visibility and searchability of the Tinley Park branch through expertly crafted SEO practices. Secondly, to implement an effective PPC campaign, ensuring immediate visibility and driving targeted traffic to their site.

The Strategy

To allow for flexibility in technology as well as future support the decision was made to build the Trouvaille Crown Point website on WordPress open source framework.  Before the build began, we needed to establish brand guidelines and develop unique content separate from their IL locations.

This dual strategy of website development and digital marketing exemplifies our commitment to providing comprehensive digital solutions. Our efforts not only laid the groundwork for Trouvaille Med Spa’s online presence but also set a trajectory for sustained growth and success in the digital realm, paralleling their physical expansion.

Med Spa Digital Strategy & Process

Defining and implementing a website strategy

Brand Development

Our collaboration with Trouvaille Med Spa commenced with a fundamental yet pivotal task: establishing comprehensive branding guidelines. While Trouvaille Med Spa had a logo, it was imperative to build a more structured brand identity to ensure consistency and effectiveness in all marketing endeavors.
The process began with in-depth strategic discussions, where we worked closely with Trouvaille Med Spa’s team to gain a deep understanding of their vision and objectives. These collaborative sessions were crucial in defining the core aspects of their brand. We meticulously crafted guidelines that encompassed not only the aesthetic elements such as fonts and color schemes but also the more nuanced facets like imagery and brand voice. Special attention was given to identifying the target audience, ensuring that every element of the branding was aligned with the preferences and expectations of their clientele.
This comprehensive approach to branding was more than just creating a style guide; it was about weaving the essence of Trouvaille Med Spa into every aspect of their visual and communicative identity. By establishing these guidelines, we laid a solid foundation for all future marketing and communication strategies, ensuring a cohesive and resonant brand experience for their customers.

Website Development

Once the branding guidelines were determined, the website design and development began.  This included building protype web based interactive pages to allow for easy access and collaboration.

Central to our development strategy was a strong emphasis on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). We understood that a visually appealing website would only be effective if it could be easily found by potential clients. Therefore, we integrated advanced SEO practices from the outset, optimizing every element of the website—from its structure to its content—to enhance its visibility and ranking on search engines.

Content Strategy

In developing the website for both the Trouvaille Med Spa’s Crown Point and Tinley location, it was crucial to not only showcase the array of services available but also to navigate the complexities of SEO for two distinct business locations. Although many services mirrored those offered at their Illinois location, our content strategy had to be meticulously crafted to ensure uniqueness and relevance for each site. This approach was pivotal in building individual SEO value for both locations, while carefully avoiding keyword cannibalization. By creating location-specific content, we could effectively target and engage distinct customer bases, ensuring that each site ranked optimally in search engine results without competing against each other. This strategy required a delicate balance of shared and unique elements, ensuring that while each site maintained its individual identity and search engine presence, they both resonated with the overarching brand ethos of Trouvaille Med Spa.

Email Marketing Automation

With a new location, it was important to be able to capture visitors information who were interested enough to opt in so the website was integrated with Klavio Email Marketing Tool.  This allowed for implementation of an email sign up pop up as well as offer a text opt in feature.  A welcome campaign was also created to keep communication open with potential clients.

2023 Q4 Google Organic Growth


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