How To Successfully Rebrand Your Business

Establishing A Brand Identity

In business, your brand is essentially your first impression. It’s the first thing someone will notice about your company and it needs to send them a clear message about who you are and what you do. When you really think about it, your brand identity is the most powerful marketing tool you have at your disposal. With that in mind, it’s crucial that your existing brand meets the needs of your target audience and the members of your internal audience. If your current brand doesn’t do these things, then it might be time to consider a brand refresh. Here’s how to successfully rebrand your business. 

Knowing When It's Time to Rebrand Your Business

Rebranding your business requires a lot of time, effort, and energy. It’s not a simple task, so you’ll want to make sure that it’s the right time for your company to make this transition. 

One reason a company might want to adjust their existing brand is because they want to separate themselves from their competitors. New businesses rarely understand the importance of establishing a unique brand and end up with something generic. This leads to a lot of missed opportunities with brand loyalty and brand awareness because competitors can’t distinguish between your company and a competitor. 

Another great time for rebranding is when your current logo design and brand identity are outdated. Design trends change very quickly, so it’s not surprising that many companies need a brand refresh after several years just to keep up with the competition. 

Many companies also choose to change their existing brand when they experience major changes. For example, if you merge with or acquire an existing business, a new brand may be necessary. Another good example of this would be if your mission, values, or services change. Essentially, any major change may signify that it’s time to rebrand your business. 

Identify The Reason for Wanting a Brand Refresh

Just like everything in life, it’s important that you consider “Your Why” before moving forward with the rebranding process. Because you’ll have to invest so much time and money into a rebranding project, it’s important to identify your reasoning beforehand and weigh the pros and cons of taking on such a big project before you commit to it. Additionally, creating a new brand identity is a big undertaking and it can feel overwhelming sometimes. You’re more likely to find success throughout your brand refresh if you can keep your “Why” at the front of your brain. Before you do anything else, make sure you have a strong reason for wanting a brand refresh. 

Create a Branding Strategy

Many companies are surprised by how intricate the rebranding process is. They find that their initial rebranding strategy did not account for everything they will need. Many companies don’t know what to include in their rebranding plan, so they feel blindsided when more projects arise. Here are some common rebranding tasks that you may want to add to your own rebranding strategy: 

Promote Your New Brand Identity to Your Target Audience

The most important (and fun) part of any company rebrand is sharing it with your target audience! There are so many ways to share the news of your new brand identity with the public, and the good news is that most of them are free!

One of the best and easiest ways to share your new brand with people is via social media. Start by teasing your rebrand on your current social profiles during the rebranding process. Give your followers sneak peaks on Instagram stories and Facebook posts to get the conversation flowing. Then, give everyone a big reveal once your rebranding project is complete! 

Another way you can share the news of your company’s rebrand is through press releases. Write up a press release for all the major internal and external members of your company explaining the new brand identity, vision and mission statements, and brand guidelines so everyone is on the same page. You can also post the press release on your website so members of the press can access it and include information about your rebrand in their articles. 

Finally, you can take advantage of any media contacts to let them know about the changes to your brand. Meet with each contact separately to share the big news and leave them with a newly-branded business card to really seal the deal and make them remember your conversation. 

We hope you have found this article helpful and that this leads to a successful rebranding project for you! We know just how stressful this project can be, which is why we’re here to help you! If you’re ready to dive into a rebranding project and want a little extra help, fill out our contact form and let us know what we can do for you. 

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